Today I rode around the north end of Lake Washington and took this picture as I crossed the Montlake Bridge. The air temperature is about 45 degrees and you can see fog in the background. The entire trip was 47 miles and included the Juanita Hill. I did this ride on my 27 pound rain bike. I call this bike "Slim" only because the frame tubes are small in diameter. Fact is, the bike is made of steel and is HEAVY.
For the new year, I purchased a Garmin 705 and starting from January 6th it shows that I have accumulated 374.65 training miles. After each ride I upload the track to Garmin connect and check the average speed, heart rate and distance. The Garmin 705 is a great training aid when all the tools are working. Sometimes, like today, I became absent minded and forgot to put the heart monitor on. It only took me 20 miles from home before I discovered the omission.
And last but not least,
Oh Becky, I send you all of my strength!
Becky has breast cancer and is undergoing chemo. I wish her a speedy recovery. I lost my mother to cancer so I have seen the heart ache this disease causes.