Here comes the cat 4 45+ group over the hill about 20 seconds after the start. Chris L. is in the center and he got 3rd place.
The final MFG race of the year was all about hills, forest, wet grass, leaf litter and muddy corners. The MFG promoters combined the 55+ cat 3 and cat 4 men into the same race so the competition was fast. I got 5th place out of 24 with three cat 3 racers and one cat 4 racer higher in the standings. I felt stronger and faster than last year and my bike handling skills have gotten better. There were numerous times where I was sliding both the front and rear wheels through the slimy corners and did not fall.
Here is a short clip of Dan finishing his race.
I certainly hope that MFG can continue to use this venue every year.
Now if I can only continue this good performance through the next several weeks.
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